A List of Top Web Hosting Providers

Top web hosting companies of all the time and the features they provide

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This Topic Covers the Answer to the Following Question
Mention the list of all the web hosting companies that provide excellent web hosting features at affordable prices?

A List of Top Web Hosting Providers


Today’s topic is about web hosting companies and the features they provide. We already learned in our earlier post about what is web hosting and why there is a need for a good web hosting company. If you haven’t referred to it yet, then go through the article ‘What is a Web-Hosting? Is it really necessary to choose a good web hosting company for your website?‘ prior to reading the present article.

There are numerous services on the internet that provides web hosting facility for your websites or blogs. Most of the services claim that they provide everything unlimited for cheap prices, however, they lack resources, and your websites will hit ‘resource limit reached’ error. Please be aware of such services, and don’t fall into their trap.

A good company provides you a web hosting account on a monthly or yearly subscription basis, however, the prices may vary comparatively. You have to choose a good web hosting company depending on your affordability.

A web hosting company provides you a Control Panel account with login details, where you can upload your website files, edit and update them whenever required.

In the control panel, you will find the following features –

  • Add-on Domains Feature – Limited or unlimited depending on your subscription. If it is limited then you can add the mentioned limited number of websites only to your account. If it is unlimited then you can add as many websites as you can, to your web hosting account.
  • Sub-Domains Feature – Limited or unlimited depending on your subscription. If it is limited then you can add the mentioned limited number of sub-domains to your main domain. If it is unlimited then you can add a limitless number of sub-domains to your main domain.
  • Disk Space Feature – Limited or unlimited depending on your subscription. This is the space allotted for all your websites files. The data of all the websites should not cross the disk space limit.
  • Bandwidth Feature – Limited or unlimited depending on your subscription. This is more important than the disk space. If the disk space is less then no worries but the bandwidth must be always more. It is the bandwidth with which your website is visible online or else your website visitors will find an error when they try to access your website due to the consumption of bandwidth allotted.
  • Inodes Limit Feature – Limited or unlimited depending on your subscription. A single file is a single inode. All the files of all the websites sum up to total inodes, and if the inode limit of the web hosting account is less then you can’t host all the websites on the web hosting account.
  • Monitoring and Analytics Feature – With this feature you can monitor the performance of your web hosting account and your websites. You will find out the CPU usage, Bandwidth usage, Inodes usage, etc., details in the control panel of your web hosting account.
  • File Manager / FTP Accounts Feature – Inbuilt file manager is provided with your web hosting account through which you can upload your website files. Moreover, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) accounts can be created through which files can be uploaded to your web hosting account from the external software. The number of FTP accounts for a website can be limited or unlimited based on your web hosting plan subscription.
  • Email Accounts – Facility to create email accounts on your domain name, however, the number of email accounts may be limited or unlimited based on the web hosting plan subscription.
  • SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Technology Feature – Nowadays, an SSL certificate for a website is considered an important factor for higher rankings of websites in search engines. Most of the web hosting services are working along with Letsencrypt to provide free SSL to the websites, however, the free SSL is for 3 months period only, the SSL certificate will auto-renew if all the conditions are met.
  • MYSQL Databases Feature – Another important feature that should be considered while choosing a web hosting plan subscription is Databases. The number of databases and size of each database may be limited or unlimited based on your web hosting plan subscription.

These are the most important features of web hosting account providing companies that should be considered, and among them comparatively, the best with affordable prices and excellent features must be selected.

Anyhow, we prepared a list of the best web hosting providers that provide mind-blowing features at reasonable and affordable prices. They are

  • BlueHost
  • AccuWeb Hosting
  • DreamHost
  • Hostinger International


BlueHost is one of the leaders of the web hosting industry. They started their services in 2003 and the BlueHost team has nearly 20 years of experience in this field. BlueHost was founded by Matt Heaton and Danny Ashworth in Provo, Utah. More than 2 million websites are hosted on their servers by now. The support team of more than 750 members works round the clock 24/7/365 to respond to the queries of their customers.

BlueHost provides 3 different web hosting plans. They are

  • Shared Hosting Plan – This web hosting plan is sufficient for starters as the websites don’t have more visitor traffic at the beginning.
  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting Plan – This web hosting plan is for medium-sized businesses and high influencing blogs that have a good amount of visitor traffic monthly.
  • Dedicated Hosting Plan – This web hosting plan is for big businesses and huge e-commerce websites that have a huge amount of traffic regularly.

Shared Hosting Plan – This plan is further divided into 4 different plans depending on the features provided. The plans available under the shared hosting plan are –

  • Basic Plan
  • Plus Plan
  • Choice Plus Plan
  • Pro Plan

For more details regarding their shared hosting plans, you have to visit their official website. The prices and the features they provide will be changed by them over time, so we don’t provide more details related to this.

VPS Hosting Plan – This web hosting plan is not for beginners. These plans should be selected only if the websites have a good amount of visitors regularly. This plan is further divided into 3 different plans depending on the features provided. The plans available under the VPS hosting plan are –

  • Standard Plan
  • Enhanced Plan
  • Ultimate Plan

For more details regarding their VPS hosting plans, you have to visit their official website. The prices and the features of the VPS hosting plans they provide will be changed by them over time, so we don’t provide more details related to this.

Dedicated Hosting Plan – This web hosting plan is for big e-commerce businesses and huge fan following websites or blogs. In most cases, VPS is more than enough for websites and blogs. If your website is flooded with visitors regularly then only there will be a need for a dedicated server. This plan is further divided into 3 different plans depending on the features provided. The plans available under the Dedicated hosting plan are –

  • Standard Plan
  • Enhanced Plan
  • Premium Plan

For more details regarding their Dedicated hosting plans, you have to visit their official website. The prices and the features of the Dedicated hosting plans they provide will be changed by them over time, so we don’t provide more details related to this.

Visit the Official Website: BlueHost


AccuWeb Hosting

AccuWeb is another leading web hosting service providing company with more than 18 years of experience in this field. AccuWeb hosting services are proudly managed by Vaghasia Group of Companies. They are actively managing more than 55,000 web hosting accounts with more than 1 million websites being hosted on their services.

AccuWeb Hosting offers web hosting services on both Linux and Windows platforms. AccuWeb Hosting providers are quite generous that they even offer a free web hosting plan for beginners or starters. There is a special free hosting plan for students also.

AccuWeb Hosting offers 3 different web hosting plans for their users. They are –

  • Shared Hosting Plan – Which is more than enough for beginners or starters.
  • VPS Hosting Plan – This plan is for intermediate websites with abundant traffic.
  • Dedicated Hosting Plan – This plan is for heavy traffic websites and for eCommerce businesses.

Shared Hosting Plan – The name shared indicates that many websites along with your website share the resources on the server. This plan is sufficient for newly designed websites and blogs.

This shared hosting plan is again divided into the following plans based on the availability of the features –

Shared Hosting Plan with Linux Operating System (Linux Platform)- SSD Storage

  • Personal ++ Plan
  • Small Business ++ Plan
  • Enterprise ++ Plan

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Linux SSD Shared Hosting Plans

Shared Hosting Plan with Linux Operating System (Linux Platform) – Cloud Storage

  • Personal Cloud ++ Plan
  • Small Business Cloud ++ Plan
  • Enterprise Cloud ++ Plan

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Linux Cloud Shared Hosting Plans

Shared Hosting Plan with Windows Operating System (Windows Platform) – SSD Storage

  • Personal ++ Plan
  • Small Business ++ Plan
  • Enterprise ++ Plan

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Windows SSD Shared Hosting Plans

Shared Hosting Plan with Windows Operating System (Windows Platform) – Cloud Storage

  • Cumulus Cloud ++ Plan
  • Stratus Cloud ++ Plan
  • Cirrus Cloud ++ Plan

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Windows Cloud Shared Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting Plan – The name itself indicates a Virtual Private Server hosting plan, a small private space that is not shared is allotted for your websites. It serves as a semi-dedicated hosting plan. However, a high trafficked websites generally require this web hosting plan.

This VPS Hosting Plan is again divided into 3 plans depending on the features availability and affordability. They are –

VPS Hosting Plan with Linux Operating System (Linux Platform) – Classic Storage

  • VPS Mercury
  • VPS Earth
  • VPS Saturn
  • VPS Sun
  • VPS Galaxy
  • VPS Universe

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Linux Classic VPS Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting Plan with Linux Operating System (Linux Platform) – SSD Storage

  • SSD Mercury VPS
  • SSD Earth VPS
  • SSD Saturn VPS
  • SSD Sun VPS

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Linux SSD VPS Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting Plan with Linux Operating System (Linux Platform) – Cloud Storage

  • Cloud-1GB
  • Cloud-2GB
  • Cloud-4GB
  • Cloud-8GB
  • Cloud-16GB
  • Cloud-32GB

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Linux Cloud VPS Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting Plan with Windows Operating System (Windows Platform) – Classic Storage

  • Classic VPS Opal
  • Classic VPS Pearl
  • Classic VPS Diamond
  • Classic VPS Emerald

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Windows Classic VPS Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting Plan with Windows Operating System (Windows Platform) – SSD Storage

  • SSD VPS Opal
  • SSD VPS Pearl
  • SSD VPS Diamond
  • SSD VPS Emerald

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Windows SSD VPS Hosting Plans

VPS Hosting Plan with Windows Operating System (Windows Platform) – Cloud Storage

  • Cloud-1GB
  • Cloud-2GB
  • Cloud-4GB
  • Cloud-8GB
  • Cloud-16GB
  • Cloud-32GB

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Windows Cloud VPS Hosting Plans

Dedicated Hosting Plan – These dedicated plans are more costly when compared to all the other plans, however, they are suitable for only big businesses and big e-commerce stores. VPS is more than enough for websites and blogs.

These dedicated hosting plans are again divided into different plans based on the data center (regions). The data centers available are as follows –

  • US Datacenter
  • UK Datacenter
  • Canada Datacenter
  • Africa Datacenter
  • Australia Datacenter
  • Singapore Datacenter
  • India Datacenter
  • Germany Datacenter
  • France Datacenter
  • Poland Datacenter
  • Netherlands Datacenter
  • Game Hosting Server

And each Datacenter have different hosting plans like –

  • Classic-1
  • Classic-2
  • Classic-3
  • Classic-4
  • Classic-5

And many more.

For more details on plans, visit: AccuWeb Dedicated Hosting Plans

Apart from all these Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting plans, AccuWeb also offers a Free Web Hosting Plan for beginners or starters. However, there are also other hosting plans on the AccuWeb website like WordPress Hosting, Woocommerce Hosting, etc. Kindly refer to their official website for more details

Visit the Official Website: AccuWeb Hosting


DreamHost Web Hosting

Another excellent web hosting service provider in the web market is DreamHost. With my self-experience, I am declaring that DreamHost is one of the authentic and trustworthy companies that provide web hosting services with the capability of withstanding high-traffic websites.

DreamHost is a 25 years old company with a lot of experience in web technology. DreamHost hosts over 1.5+ million websites including but not limited to WordPress blogs and eCommerce websites on their servers. The headquarter office of DreamHost is in CA, USA. The person behind the entire empire of DreamHost is Michael Rodriguez (CEO).

DreamHost provides awesome support round the clock 24/7/365 and that makes them unique among the competitors. They have 400K+ active customers with more than 750K+ WordPress installations on DreamHost servers.

DreamHost offers 5 different web hosting plans for their customers. They are –

  • Shared Web Hosting Plans – These plans are sufficient for beginners or starters.
  • VPS Hosting Plans – These plans are suitable for those websites that have a good amount of regular traffic. Examples include WordPress blogs, Medium enterprises websites, etc.
  • Managed WordPress Hosting Plans – These plans are specially designed for the websites built on WordPress and have a good amount of regular traffic.
  • Dedicated Server Hosting Plans – These plans are for big enterprises and huge eCommerce websites with a lot of regular traffic.
  • Cloud Hosting Plans – In these plans, the websites are hosted on cloud servers. These plans are a little bit costly when compared to normal plans.

Shared Web Hosting Plans – These plans are again divided into 2 types for the flexibility of customers. Depending on the number of websites, customers want to host on DreamHost, shared hosting plans are of two types. They are –

  • Shared Starter – Based on the time period of subscription, again it is divided into the monthly plan, annual plan (1 year), and triennial plan (3 years). The price will gradually decrease as you select the higher time period plan. However, only a single website can be hosted on this plan
  • Shared Unlimited – The same division here is based on the time period of subscription, i.e., monthly plan, annual plan (1 year), and triennial plan (3 years). The price decreases with a high-period subscription. An unlimited number of websites can be hosted with this plan.

For complete features provided with each plan, you have to visit DreamHost’s official website.

VPS Hosting Plans – Based on the RAM and SSD storage, these plans are again divided into the following types –

  • VPS Basic – Features include 1GB RAM and 30GB SSD storage.
  • VPS Business – Features include 2GB RAM and 60GB SSD storage.
  • VPS Professional – Features include 3GB RAM and 120GB SSD storage.
  • VPS Enterprise – Features include 4GB RAM and 240GB SSD storage.

For complete features provided with each plan, you have to visit DreamHost’s official website.

Managed WordPress Hosting Plans – Specially built for WordPress websites. DreamHost named these plans as DreamPress plans. Based on the monthly visitors of the WordPress website and SSD storage, these plans are divided into the following types –

  • DreamPress – Built for nearly 100K monthly visitors and 30GB SSD storage.
  • DreamPress Plus – Built for nearly 300K monthly visitors and 60GB SSD storage.
  • DreamPress Pro – Built for nearly 1M+ monthly visitors and 120GB SSD storage.

For complete features provided with each plan, you have to visit DreamHost’s official website.

Dedicated Hosting Plans – These plans are for huge websites with tons of visitors monthly like big-branded enterprises, eCommerce websites, etc. Based on the CPU Cores, RAM, and Storage, these plans are again divided into the following types –

  • Standard Plan – Features include Intel Xeon 4-Core 8-Thread CPU, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD space. However, there are 2 other plans in which RAM changes i.e., 8GB RAM and 16GB RAM. The remaining features are the same for these 2 plans.
  • Enhanced Plan – Features include Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread CPU, 16GB RAM, and 2TB HDD space. Based on RAM (Memory) and Storage type (HDD or SSD), this enhanced plan includes 5 other plans i.e., 32GB RAM – 2TB HDD, 64GB RAM – 2TB HDD, 16GB RAM – 240GB SSD, 32GB RAM – 240GB SSD, and 64GB RAM – 240GB SSD.

For complete features provided with each plan, you have to visit DreamHost’s official website.

Cloud Hosting Plan – DreamHost named this plan as DreamCompute. This plan has no fixed price, but instead, it is a pay-as-you-go plan. Whatever resources your websites use, you pay for that as a subscription monthly. DreamHost also offers a storage plan which is named as DreamObjects, and it is also a pay-as-you-go plan.

For complete features provided with each plan, you have to visit DreamHost’s official website.

Visit the Official Website: DreamHost


Hostinger International is another ultimate brand for web hosting services. As per history, Hostinger was started as a company named ‘Hosting Media’ in the year 2004 by a group of entrepreneurs. Later in the year 2007, free web hosting services were started with the name ‘000webhost’, and then in 2008, the first cPanel web hosting was launched with the name ‘Hosting24’.

Finally, Hostinger was named after Hosting24 in the year 2011 when its own designed hPanel was launched. Hostinger has more than 15 years of experience in providing web hosting services, and it has a dedicated support team working round the clock 24/7/365 for the customers.

More than a million websites are hosted on the Hostinger servers. Hostinger web hosting services is enriched with the following features –

  • Simple and Intuitive – Easy to setup
  • Performance and Speed – Simply fast websites
  • Great WordPress Experience – WordPress made easy
  • Professional and Hands-on – 24/7/365 dedicated support
  • Flexible and Scalable – From small to large websites
  • User-Friendly Control Panel – Easy to use with neat interface

Based on the size of the businesses and the content management system they use for their websites, Hostinger offers different web hosting plans which are further divided into sub-plans depending on the features provided. Hostinger offers the following plans for its customers –

  • Web Hosting Plans – These plans are for small to medium websites
  • Cloud Hosting Plans – These plans are for large scale projects
  • WordPress Hosting Plans – These plans are optimized for WordPress Hosting
  • cPanel Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who want cPanel as a control panel
  • VPS Hosting Plans – These plans are for busy websites with heavy traffic. Dedicated resources are to scale
  • Minecraft Server Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who want to share their Minecraft experience
  • CyberPanel Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who want cPanel with Open/Lite Speed webserver
  • Hosting for Agency Plans – These plans are designed by keeping developers in mind

Web Hosting Plans – Based on the number of websites, SSD storage, monthly visitors, and other features, these plans are further divided into the following plans –

  • Single Shared Hosting – If you have a single new website then this plan is sufficient and the other features are 30GB SSD storage, 10000 monthly visitors, and 1 email account. If you need more, then upgrade to Premium Shared Hosting.
  • Premium Shared Hosting – If you have more than 1 website then this plan should be considered. Features include 100 websites, 100GB SSD Storage, 25000 monthly visitors, and unlimited email accounts.
  • Business Shared Hosting – Features include 100 websites, 200GB SSD storage, 100000 monthly visitors, and unlimited email accounts.

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger Shared Hosting Plans‘.

Cloud Hosting Plans – Based on SSD Storage, RAM, and CPU Cores, these Cloud Hosting Plans are further divided into the following plans.

  • Cloud Startup – Features include 300 websites, 200GB SSD Storage, 3GB RAM, and 2 CPU Cores. The remaining features are the same ie., unlimited for all plans
  • Cloud Professional – Features include 300 websites, 250GB SSD Storage, 6GB RAM, and 4 CPU Cores. The remaining features are the same ie., unlimited for all plans
  • Cloud Enterprise – Features include 300 websites, 300GB SSD Storage, 12GB RAM, and 6 CPU Cores. The remaining features are the same ie., unlimited for all plans

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger Cloud Hosting Plans‘.

WordPress Hosting Plans – These plans are optimized for the websites using WordPress as a CMS (Content Management System). Based on the number of websites, SSD storage space, Monthly visitors, and Email accounts, these plans are further divided into –

  • Single WordPress Plan – If you have only 1 WordPress website then this plan is sufficient. Features include 1 WordPress website, 30GB SSD storage, 10000 monthly visitors, and 1 Email account. The remaining features are the same for all plans.
  • WordPress Starter Plan – Features include 100 WordPress websites, 100GB SSD storage, 25000 monthly visitors, and unlimited Email accounts. The remaining features are the same for all plans.
  • Business WordPress Plan – Features include 100 WordPress websites, 200GB SSD storage, 100000 monthly visitors, and unlimited Email accounts. The remaining features are the same for all plans.
  • WordPress Pro Plan – Features include 300 WordPress websites, 200GB SSD storage, 200000 monthly visitors, and unlimited Email accounts. The remaining features are the same for all plans.

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger WordPress Hosting Plans‘.

cPanel Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who need cPanel as a control panel for their websites. Based on the number of websites, SSD storage space, and Bandwidth, these plans are further divided into the following –

  • cPanel Hosting Silver – Features include 50 websites, 30GB SSD storage, and 1TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are the same for all the plans.
  • cPanel Hosting Gold – Features include 100 websites, 50GB SSD storage, and 1TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are the same for all the plans.

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger cPanel Hosting Plans‘.

VPS Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who need dedicated resources for their websites. Based on the RAM, SSD storage space, and Bandwidth, these plans are further divided into –

  • VPS 1 Plan – Differentiating features include 1GB RAM, 20GB SSD storage space, and 1TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 2 Plan – Differentiating features include 2GB RAM, 40GB SSD storage space, and 2TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 3 Plan – Differentiating features include 3GB RAM, 60GB SSD storage space, and 3TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 4 Plan – Differentiating features include 4GB RAM, 80GB SSD storage space, and 4TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 5 Plan – Differentiating features include 6GB RAM, 120GB SSD storage space, and 6TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 6 Plan – Differentiating features include 8GB RAM, 160GB SSD storage space, and 8TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 7 Plan – Differentiating features include 12GB RAM, 200GB SSD storage space, and 10TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • VPS 8 Plan – Differentiating features include 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD storage space, and 12TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger VPS Hosting Plans‘.

Minecraft Server Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who want to host Minecraft games on the server. These plans are further divided into sub-plans based on RAM and vCPUs.

  • Alex Plan – 2GB RAM and 2 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • Villager Plan – 3GB RAM and 3 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • Creeper Plan – 4GB RAM and 4 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • Herobrine Plan – 6GB RAM and 6 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • Enderman Plan – 8GB RAM and 8 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • Evoker Plan – 12GB RAM and 8 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • Wolf Plan – 16GB RAM and 8 vCPU Hardware. The remaining features are common to all plans.

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger Minecraft Server Hosting Plans‘.

CyberPanel Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who want to host their websites on an Open / Lite speed web server with CyberPanel. Based on RAM, SSD disk space, and Bandwidth, these plans are further divided into the following –

  • CyberPanel VPS 1 – Features include 1GB RAM, 20GB SSD space, and 1TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 2 – Features include 2GB RAM, 40GB SSD space, and 2TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 3 – Features include 3GB RAM, 60GB SSD space, and 3TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 4 – Features include 4GB RAM, 80GB SSD space, and 4TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 5 – Features include 6GB RAM, 120GB SSD space, and 6TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 6 – Features include 8GB RAM, 160GB SSD space, and 8TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 7 – Features include 12GB RAM, 200GB SSD space, and 10TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.
  • CyberPanel VPS 8 – Features include 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD space, and 12TB Bandwidth. The remaining features are common to all plans.

For complete details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘Hostinger Cyberpanel Hosting Plans‘.

Hosting for Agency Plans – These plans are for resellers of web hosting services. Based on the number of websites, RAM, and CPU Cores, these plans are further divided into the following types –

  • Agency Starter – Features include 100 websites, 200GB SSD storage, and 100000 monthly visitors
  • Agency Pro – Features include 300 websites, 250GB SSD storage, 6GB RAM, and 4 CPU Cores.
  • Agency Pro+ – Features include 300 websites, 300GB SSD storage, 12GB RAM, and 6 CPU Cores.

For a complete features list, visit the official website.

Visit the Official Website: Hostinger


Hostwinds Customer Centric Web Hosting Solutions


HostWinds is another excellent web hosting service provider that provides web hosting services at reasonable prices. HostWinds was founded in the year 2010 and the team behind the HostWinds has more than 12 years of experience in web technology.

Peter is the CEO of HostWinds. Peter found messy experiences with the hosting companies so he decided to create his own hosting company. Hostwinds is committed to providing the best hosting services available and it doesn’t rely on any third-party vendors to manage its hardware and applications.

HostWinds have a dedicated customer support team that works round the clock to eliminate the stress of the customers and bring their hosting back by resolving their issues.

HostWinds provides different web hosting plans to their customers depending on the resources their websites need. They are –

  • Web Hosting Plans – These plans are sufficient for initial websites that don’t have heavy traffic.
  • VPS Hosting Plans – These plans are required for the websites that require semi-dedicated resources as these websites already have sufficient traffic.
  • Cloud Hosting Plans – These plans are required for websites that mainly focus on the website loading time. The website files will be hosted on cloud servers.
  • Dedicated Hosting Plans – These plans are required for huge websites with regular heavy traffic such as eCommerce websites or heavy traffic blogs.

Web Hosting Plans – These web hosting plans are further divided into the following –

  1. Shared Hosting Plans
  2. Business Hosting Plans
  3. Reseller Hosting Plans
  4. White Label Reseller

Shared Hosting Plans – These plans are further divided into 3 types depending upon the number of websites you want to host. These plans are for websites that have low content.

  • Basic Plan – Only 1 website can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space are provided.
  • Advanced Plan – 4 domains can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space are provided.
  • Ultimate Plan – Unlimited domains can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space are provided.

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Shared Hosting Plans‘.

Business Hosting Plans – These plans are further divided into 3 types depending upon the number of websites you want to host. They are –

  • Basic Plan – Only 1 website can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and disk space are provided. The disk deployed is SSD.
  • Advanced Plan – 4 domains can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and disk space are provided. The disk deployed is SSD.
  • Ultimate Plan – Unlimited domains can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and disk space are provided. The disk deployed is SSD.

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Business Hosting Plans‘.

Reseller Hosting Plans – These plans are for those who want to run a web hosting agency. These plans are further divided into 3 types depending upon the number of websites that you want to host. They are –

  • Basic Plan – Only 1 website can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and disk space are provided.
  • Advanced Plan – 4 domains can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and disk space are provided.
  • Ultimate Plan – Unlimited domains can be hosted. Unlimited bandwidth and disk space are provided.

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Reseller Hosting Plans‘.

White Label Reseller Hosting – This plan is for those who want to start their own hosting company. They can sell HostWinds products under your brand name.

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds White Label Reseller Hosting‘.

VPS Hosting Plans – These VPS Hosting Plans are further divided into the following –

  • Linux Managed – HostWinds manages your VPS backend, which you don’t have to worry about it. The VPS server has a pre-installed Linux operating system and a websites control panel.
  • Windows Managed – HostWinds manages your VPS backend, which you don’t have to worry about it. The VPS server has a pre-installed Windows operating system and a websites control panel.
  • Linux Unmanaged – HostWinds doesn’t manage your VPS. You are solely responsible for your VPS server. You have to install any Linux OS which is then followed by the installation of a website’s control panel.
  • Windows Unmanaged – HostWinds doesn’t manage your VPS. You are solely responsible for your VPS server. You have to install any Windows OS which is then followed by the installation of a website’s control panel.

Managed Linux VPS Hosting – Based on the RAM, Storage, Bandwidth, and the number of CPUs, these plans are further subdivided into the following –

1st Plan 2nd Plan 3rd Plan 4th Plan 5th Plan 6th Plan 7th Plan 8th Plan 9th Plan 10th Plan
No. of CPUs 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 4 CPU 6 CPU 8 CPU 12 CPU 16 CPU
RAM 1GB 2GB 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 96GB
Storage 30GB 50GB 75GB 100GB 150GB 200GB 300GB 400GB 500GB 750GB
Bandwidth 1TB 2TB 2TB 2TB 3TB 4TB 5TB 6TB 8TB 9TB

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Linux Managed VPS Hosting Plans‘.

Managed Windows VPS Hosting – Based on the RAM, Storage, Bandwidth, and the number of CPUs, these plans are further subdivided into the following –

1st Plan 2nd Plan 3rd Plan 4th Plan 5th Plan 6th Plan 7th Plan 8th Plan 9th Plan 10th Plan
No. of CPUs 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 4 CPU 6 CPU 8 CPU 12 CPU 16 CPU
RAM 1GB 2GB 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 96GB
Storage 30GB 50GB 75GB 100GB 150GB 200GB 300GB 400GB 500GB 750GB
Bandwidth 1TB 2TB 2TB 2TB 3TB 4TB 5TB 6TB 8TB 9TB

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Windows Managed VPS Hosting Plans‘.

Unmanaged Linux VPS Hosting – Based on the RAM, Storage, Bandwidth, and the number of CPUs, these plans are further subdivided into the following –

1st Plan 2nd Plan 3rd Plan 4th Plan 5th Plan 6th Plan 7th Plan 8th Plan 9th Plan 10th Plan
No. of CPUs 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 4 CPU 6 CPU 8 CPU 12 CPU 16 CPU
RAM 1GB 2GB 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 96GB
Storage 30GB 50GB 75GB 100GB 150GB 200GB 300GB 400GB 500GB 750GB
Bandwidth 1TB 2TB 2TB 2TB 3TB 4TB 5TB 6TB 8TB 9TB

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Unmanaged Linux VPS Hosting Plans‘.

Unmanaged Windows VPS Hosting – Based on the RAM, Storage, Bandwidth, and the number of CPUs, these plans are further subdivided into the following –

1st Plan 2nd Plan 3rd Plan 4th Plan 5th Plan 6th Plan 7th Plan 8th Plan 9th Plan 10th Plan
No. of CPUs 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 4 CPU 6 CPU 8 CPU 12 CPU 16 CPU
RAM 1GB 2GB 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 96GB
Storage 30GB 50GB 75GB 100GB 150GB 200GB 300GB 400GB 500GB 750GB
Bandwidth 1TB 2TB 2TB 2TB 3TB 4TB 5TB 6TB 8TB 9TB

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Unmanaged Windows VPS Hosting Plans‘.

Cloud Hosting Plans – These plans are generally pay-as-you-go plans. Based on the RAM, Storage, Bandwidth, and the number of CPUs, these plans are further subdivided into the following –

1st Plan 2nd Plan 3rd Plan 4th Plan 5th Plan 6th Plan 7th Plan 8th Plan 9th Plan 10th Plan
No. of CPUs 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 4 CPU 6 CPU 8 CPU 12 CPU 16 CPU
RAM 1GB 2GB 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 96GB
Storage 30GB 50GB 75GB 100GB 150GB 200GB 300GB 400GB 500GB 750GB
Bandwidth 1TB 2TB 2TB 2TB 3TB 4TB 5TB 6TB 8TB 9TB

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Cloud Hosting Plans‘.

Dedicated Hosting Plans These plans are suitable for heavy blogs, websites, and eCommerce stores with tons of daily traffic. These plans are subdivided based on the server deployed. They are –

  • E3-1270 v3 Dedicated Server
  • i7-3930K Dedicated Server
  • E3-1270 v2 Dedicated Server
  • E3-1271 v3 Dedicated Server
  • E5-1620 v2 Dedicated Server
  • E5-2620 v2 Dedicated Server
  • 2 X 6276 Dedicated Server

You can customize the server by selecting several addons, however, extra payment should be done for addons.

For more details related to plans such as subscription amount and features, refer to ‘HostWinds Dedicated Hosting Plans‘.


Visit the Official Website: HostWinds
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