Wanna Make a Guy Fall in Love with You, Don’t Know How.. ?? Secrets Revealed
5. Voice:
Lower the pitch of your voice while communicating. Men find a low-pitched voice attractive. There is nothing more hypnotic than a smoky, husky voice.
Even when it is not entirely possible to change the tone and intention of your voice, you can certainly try. Especially when comes to the man of your dreams to fall for you. Your voice is the window to your soul. Use it to tell your man how you feel about him.
“By using a gentle and warm voice, your loved one will be reassured of your feelings towards them,” says by Dr Judy Jaye, executive leadership manager of The Voice Clinic.
6. Scent of a Woman:
Hypnotize your Mr. X with the right fragrance. Nothing beats the natural scent of your body, but since you are at the starting point of this relationship, a little help is always welcome!
Here’s a little trick that may come in handy – spray some perfume in your hair and tie it into a ponytail. When you are both together, slowly let your hair loosen. One whiff of that thrilling fragrance will make him think of you all day.
Tip: Have a signature scent. Use the same brand of perfume everyday so no matter where he smells it, he will always be reminded of you.
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