How to Rebuild Platelets Count Naturally

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Requirements for Natural Medical Preparation:

1. Papaya Leaves (Carica Papaya)    2. Water (1000 ml)

Papaya Leaves: The Scientific Name of Papaya Tree is Carica Papaya. Papaya is a small, bushy tree with a hollow trunk, large palmate leaves, and oblong smooth-skinned fruits (melons). The melons are usually picked in a green state and allowed to ripen. When ripe, the flesh is sweet and juicy and similar in taste to other melons.

Papaya Tree

     As we need Payapa Leaves here, Lets have a look on Leaves of Papaya Tree.

    How Papaya Leaves Look Like:

Papaya Leaf

     Large Palmate Leaves which are Multi-Lobed.

     Chop the Leaf into Pieces for Natural Medical Preparation.

Procedure for Preparation of Natural Remedy:

Method I:

     Step 1: Select a Leaf from Papaya plant and Cut it off.

     Step 2: Wash the Leaf with Warm Water which cleanses out the Impurities present on the Leaf.

     Step 3: Cut the Leaf into small pieces.

     Step 4: Grind the Leaf pieces with the help of Roller Stone, or You can use Grinder.

     Step 5: Remove the Paste like Content from Stone or Grinder.

     Step 6: Take a bowl, Press the Paste like Content until all the fluid comes out of the paste, Collect the Fluid into the Bowl.

     Step 7: Discard the remaining content. Mix 3-4 spoons of Honey with the Fluid (Extract) Collected so as to improve the taste.

     Step 8: Now the preparation is ready for serving the patient

Method II:

     Step 1: Select 4-5 Papaya Leaves and Cut it off from the Plant.

     Step 2: Wash the Leaves with warm water so as to remove the impurities on the leaves.

     Step 3: Chop all the papaya leaves into small pieces.

     Step 4: Place the Chopped Leaves of Papaya in 1 lt (i.e., 1000 ml) of water.

     Step 5: Boil the water containing Leaves pieces until the water content reduced to half i.e., 500 ml

     Step 6: Filter off the content and Collect the Fluid into Bowl.

     Step 7: Discard the Remaining Content. You can add sugar or honey for improving the taste of fluid.

     Step 8: Now the preparation is ready for serving the patient.

Usage of Preparation: It depends on extent of Blood Platelets Fall Down Count

    For Method I: 3-4 Spoons Thrice Daily

    For Method II: 20-30 ml Thrice Daily

Check reports after 5 days of Natural Therapy

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